Sunday, August 22, 2010

2 Months Post-op

I tried to upload my last video on Youtube a few times and each time it timed out at the last 5 minutes or so... so I gave up because it took about 6 hours each time to upload a video.

Well, its been about 8 weeks after my surgery, and everything seems pretty good. There seems to be a little bit of swelling in my upper lip (under my nostrils), and numbing still persists in my upper lip. However, I've been regaining a lot of feeling in my upper lip. Just last month, I was able to tweeze my manly moustache with no pain. I tried to do this yesterday, and my eyes teared up so I retrieved my little waxing kit. And then I got carried away and now I have no upperlip hair or eyebrows.

My recovery seems to have subsided a lot, and there hasn't been any daily noticeable changes like there had been in the first few weeks. I went to see my surgeon last week and he said that I have a lot more scar tissue than most people, and offered steroid injections to the sites to help reduce the swelling. I asked if it would get better with time without the drugs and he said yes, so I said "let it do its thing."

The swelling from the scar tissue has created little pockets on the right side of my cheeks, and because I'm still numb on my upper gums, food gets stick in the very back mouth near my wisdom teeth. This is a surprise to me when I find my lunch in my mouth several hours after dinner. I swear by my waterpik and have now purchased a portable one for my purse.

Next week, my orthodontist will resume his handiwork on my teeth. My teeth has shifted a lot since my wire is broken and my lower right bicuspid has moved around a lot. I am ready for some dental pain once again. Honestly though, with 10 and a half years of having braces, dental pain can kiss my ass. I laugh in the feel of dental pain. I say, dental pain, GIVE ME MORE.

but not too much more.

I started chewing about 4 days ago, and let me tell you, after 8 weeks of not chewing, it was weird. Because of my numb upper arch, all I felt was pressure on my teeth and my food getting smaller. Eating just isn't as satisfying as it used to be. I guess reaching my goals to become obese will be farther fetched than I had believed.

The scar tissue and swelling have prevented me from opening my mouth fully. My mouth can still only open about 2 cm, but this is a GREAT improvement from last month. My surgeon tells me I have to do exercises to get my jaws to open up wider. So here I sit as Starbucks looking like a loon chewing my pseudobubble gum wide-mouthed (or not really wide, but as wide as I can).

I can finally sleep on my face now, and sleeping is once again magical.

Looking at the X-rays, I thought my bones will have filled up more, but it doesn't look that different from Week 1 Post-op. I guess 24 hour fitness wasn't lying when they said I had osteoporosis. The surgeon did say he saw some "speckling" in sites where he cut, so my bones are filling in.

Well, I'm sad my videos aren't uploading, but you guys can still message me as I will still respond.

Smile on.


  1. Do you still have swelling in your upper lip? I had upper and lower surgery 7 weeks ago and most of my swelling is gone accept for between my upper lip and nose as well as my lower cheeks (chipmunk like)..When I smile my upper jaw looks over prominent and stiff as hell!! Will the swelling/stiffness go away in my upper lip?

  2. I don't have swelling in my upper lip, but I do have some sutures inside my left nostril (under the skin) that have not completely disintegrated. When I was 7 weeks post-op, I still had swelling and that was normal. Just give it some time. I am now about 8 MONTHS post op, and I can see definite progress even from 4 months post op.

  3. Wow so I guess I just gotta give it some time and slowly see my new face unveil. I do see slow progress but the swelling is going up and down like the damn stock market lol. The swelling is most in the morning and as the day goes by it slowly goes down. Thanks for the response I appreciate it ;)
